How to Transplant Mint


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    Mint is a popular herb to grow in backyard gardens but when your plants start to outgrow their current location you will need to transplant the mint. In this article we reviewed how to transplant your mint herbs plus all of the gear in step by step instructions.

    Mint leaves are easy to grow and transplant. You only need a few tools that every gardener likely already has in their shed to sucessfully start propagating mint or replanting it in a new location!

    Necessary Gear

    Step by Step Guide

    When you are ready to start transplanting mint follow these 6 step by step instructions to move any size plant from seedling, mini cutting or a large mint plant.

    1 – Prepare the mint plant for transplanting

    The first step when trying to replant growing mint is to prepare the plant for transplanting. Only try to transplant or propagate growing mint if the plant is large and healthily enough to survive in your garden.

    2 – Find a New Location in the Garden

    Most mint variety do best in partial shade surrounding by potting soil and plenty of water. Make sure not to plant Mint in an area that gets super hot and receives many hours of direct sunlight or you may kill the peppermint plant.

    3 – Prepare the New Soil

    Propagating mint will do bet in a potting mix with all natural fertilizer. Make sure the soil is moisture but not flooded. Dig a 12″ deep hole that is 8″ wide for each mint plant in your herb garden. We recommend mixing in compost for extra growth.

    4 – Remove the Mint from the Current Location

    Now it is time to move the mint from the current location. Dig in a 12″ perimeter around each plant and try to scoop under the root system. Once you are directly under the center of the mint plant lift it straight up. The mint should come right out without having to tear any of the roots.

    5 – Replant the Mint in the New Location

    Set the mint roots into the bottom of the new hole and full in the surrounding area with moist soil and compost. Make sure to pat down the soil enough that the plant can stand up straight – but not too tight that the roots can’t spread in the new garden.

    6 – Cover with Potting Mix, Fertilizer and Water

    Finally cover all the newly planted mint cutting with a small layer of potting soil, fertilizer and water to jump start growth and keep fungal disease and flea beetles away from your growing herbs.

    Best Time to Transplant Mint

    The best time to transplant mint is at the start of Spring. Propagated mint and indoor can be moved at any time but will do best at the beginning of Spring or Fall, just don’t try to move them in freezing weather.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When can I move my mint plant?

    Mint can be moved, replanted or grafted at any time but will have the best results if moved in early Spring.

    Where should I plant mint sun or shade?

    Mint grows best in partial shade outdoors and in an area with light sunlight if you want mint indoors or using hydroponic gear.