How to Use a Weed Eater


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    Behind lawnmowers, weed whackers are some of the most popular tools for keeping a lawn in check. However, if you don’t know how to use a weed wacker, they can be one of the most frustrating tools in your arsenal.

    Fortunately, this guide will offer you some easy tips to implement to use yours correctly. In no time at all, you’ll be out there creating ideal borders of perfect and consistent height with your string trimmer!

    How Weed Eaters Work

    First, if you’ve never used a weed whacker before, rest assured they’re one of the most user-friendly machines out there. String trimmers (aka weed eaters) work by spinning a plastic line at high speeds, which then cuts and trims away the grass and weeds it comes into contact with.

    They have one moving part, at the very end of the shaft, which is a rotating head. This head spins string around in circles at high RPMs to cut down grass and weeds. Weed eaters can be powered by gasoline, electricity, or battery – and the power of each can vary significantly.

    Safety Precautions

    There are no blades, wheels or guides to worry about on a string timmer. However, that rotating string is extremely dangerous.

    The first thing to be aware of is to always wear protective gear. Eye protection and proper clothing (long pants, closed-toed shoes, gloves) are a must when using a weed whacker. This is particularly important if you’re cutting tall grass, as the string may fling up debris like rocks or sticks that could hit you in the face or body.

    Before using your trimmer, double-check that all parts are secure and that nothing wiggles or moves when you shake it – this can be a sign of a loose bolt or screw.

    Another safety precaution many people don’t know is to never cut the grass, weeds or plants too close to the ground. You can end up damaging your lawn and roots, which will leave you with dead patches in your otherwise perfect green carpet.

    The spinning head should also have a protective shell around the trimmer head so that no stray pieces of string or rocks can fling off and hit anyone.

    How To Use A Gas Weed Eater

    We’ll start by covering how to use a weed wacker that is gas-fueled because the majority of them still are. Gas powered string trimmer

    First, you’lls want to fill the tank with gasoline and oil. How much?

    So let’s first start by filling the machine up with gas. You should find the gas tank right by the handle bar. Take care not to let it overfill, as the surrounding area will heat up some while the machine is on and you don’t wanted to be working near hot gas.

    Always check your owner’s manual for the right ratio of gas-to-oil.

    Once you have filled up the tank, prime the engine by pushing a few of the primer bulbs to get fuel flowing through the carburetor and into the engine. There should be a plastic bubble by the gas cap. Press that in between 5 and 10 times. Check your manual to confirm how many times or it may be written near the bubble. If you don’t prime the unit, it won’t start. However, if you do so too much, you’ll flood the engine and need to wait before it will work.

    Now you are ready to start using your trimmer!

    Start the motor by pressing down on the trigger switch and pulling the recoil rope. Once it is running, keep your hands and feet away from the string trimmer head and make sure no one else is around you while you are using it.

    Slowly move along at a steady pace as you trim, making sure to overlap each side of a section by about two inches so that you don’t leave any spots untouched. To get a perfect border, take your time and be sure to keep the trimmer head at a consistent height from the ground or lawn surface.

    When you are done, turn off the motor and let it cool down for about 10 minutes before you put it away!

    How To Use An Electric Weed Eater

    Electric units are far easier than gas powered ones. All you need to do is plug it in and start trimming! You don’t have to worry about flooding, priming or mixing fuel ratios.

    The first step to start using an electric string trimmer is to plug it in to an outlet or extension cord. Make sure the plug and outlet are both grounded and that your extension cord is meant for outdoor use.

    Once you have plugged in your string trimmer, turn on the motor and press down the trigger switch to spin the head.

    You should simply have a start lever to hit and the head should start to spin. If your trimmer does not start to spin either you need a new battery (if it takes one), or there’s a bad connection with the extension cord. Be sure you turn the machine off before investigating!

    Weed Eaters and Fencing

    If you need to trim around fences or posts, be sure to align the trimmer head so that the string is completely away from any vertical posts. The spinning string can easily break or dent a fence post if it comes in contact with it.

    Also, when dealing with metal wires or chain link, never attempt to cut them with a string trimmer. You can permanently damage the string and put yourself in danger!

    Clearing Grass and Weeds

    Before you turn the machine on, don a pair of safety goggles. Debris will fly, and it will sometimes do so fast given the speeds at which your machine is cutting. Then, hold the weed whacker with both hands (one on the handle bar, one at the grip) at roughly a 30-degree angle and slowly apply it to the areas you’re wishing to clear.