If you have a large yard, you’ll need to invest in an electric weed eater that can handle the job. The right model will make it easy to trim away all the long grass and pesky weeds that often sit close to fences, retaining walls, your home, etc. and go where your mower can’t reach.
These days, some of the best weed whackers on the market are electric. Of them, the Black and Decker 13 inch Lithium Ion Cordless High-Performance String Trimmer is the best electric weed whacker for large yards.
This weed whacker is powered by a 40-volt lithium battery, so you don’t have to worry that you’ll need to stop trimming halfway through your project because you’ve run out of electricity. Some electric weed whackers try to avoid this problem altogether by having long cords. However, these can be cumbersome to use and sometimes impossible if you are working far away from an outlet.
More Cutting Power
Aside from this abundance of electricity, the Black and Decker 13 inch Lithium Ion Cordless High-Performance String Trimmer puts it to use better thanks to its unique Power Drive Transmission. Black and Decker designed this component to focus the motor’s power right to the cutting string. This way, you get the job done faster and can get back to enjoying a neat and trim yard.
Choose Between Power and Runtime
Furthermore, this trimmer allows you to decide how much electricity you want to allocate to the job, enabling you to extend battery life on large lawns.. This means you can choose if you need more power or have to work longer.
An option like this is long overdue, because often you don’t need a ton of power to cut through long grass, but you may have a lot of it to get through and prefer to be able to work longer. On the other hand, sometimes, you have thick weeds or other foliage that will require more power on your side. Whichever you need, this electric weed whacker will happily deliver.
Trimmer or Edger
Black and Decker gave you other options to take advantage of a swell. This weed whacker can be either a trimmer or an edger, depending on which one you need. So you don’t have to waste money on extra tools, but you can still get the job done right.
Automatic Feed Spool
Nothing is more frustrating than having to deal with a weed whacker that has an uncooperative spool. It makes the job more challenging and makes re-stringing it a nightmare. If you’re worried about this when buying a new weed whacker, rest assured those days are gone with the Black and Decker 13 inch Lithium Ion Cordless High-Performance String Trimmer. Thanks to its automatic feed spool, all the heavy lifting is done for you.
If you have trimming, edging or clearing that needs to be done in your hard, your mower won’t be able to help. Don’t waste time and energy doing it manually either. Instead, entrust the job to the best electric weed whacker large lawns out there.